I wrote this poem in Szigetszentmiklos, Hungary
Eve on to Night
A spark from the sky
bounced on my floor
it wasn't you
but your name it bore
I read this spark avid
as I often hope
it lit alight fire
where fire ne'er stoked
it lit alight fire
that died all too soon
leaving me evening
without leaving noon
what God has given
God taketh away
but this spark went black
before I could pray
now its dark shadow
grows near my heart
charring me silent
burning in dark
nothing remains
& all stays the same
all hope is gone
except the spark's name
as eve on to night
I sense slipping off
what still remains
worth speaking of ?
I tell of you over
in my charred heart
I write you
all over
my cruelest spark
I sensed it all over
before it began
the night was all over
yet I was no man -
no man to know you
no man to dance
not one to hold you
no man to glance
knew men to kiss you
know men with a chance
I'm not among them
I just can't dance
you come from my pocket
when I'm all alone
your dark light can't guide me
- but it is home.
I know I can't have you
though I simply must
so it seems strange :
in your warmth I trust
I feel you nearby
while I roam this mess
I saviour your words
yet live less and less
I live less and less
with friends & at work
live less and less
with your cruel curse
please fall back upwards
to choke this black fire
that all on its own
just can't seem to die
don't singe me so freely
with all hope so gone
burn me to ashes
& leave me alone.
- B.M. Winter 2005